Saturday, March 19, 2016

What are smart goals

SMART acronym as it relates to work goals

Smart goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. In order to achieve all your goals in your career, you need to ensure that all your goals utilize the smart system for setting goals.

Let's go over a couple smart work goals examples.

One smart goal would be to receive a promotion to manager within the next year at your current job. This could be viewed as  specific as you said that you wanted to obtain a promotion to manager. It is measurable because a promotion can be measured. It would most likely be measured based on your performance reviews. You would probably need to state why the goal is attainable. You could say that it is attainable because you have consistently received favorable reviews over the past few years. It could be relevant if your company is growing and in need of managers. It is timely since we said that the target date is within the year.

Another smart work goal example could be that you want to mentor two staff people over the next year and help them achieve above average performance review results.

This is specific in that you said that you want to mentor two staff people over the next year. It could be measurable because the objective is for the staff to achieve above average performance results. It is attainable if you have done this previously at your job. It is relevant if your job allows you to mentor people. If it doesn't, then this wouldn't be a good smart objective to set. It is timely because you set it to happen within the year.

Achieving goals and objectives is not easy. A great way to get started is by using smart objectives.

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